Saturday, 6 November 2010

From Russia with love

I've recently, out of nowhere, become rather infatuated with russian inspired fashion. The fur hats, the layered ruffles and the blatant embrace of the beauty of when the frost bites has really got my fashion ticker going and i've been looking into ways in which i can translate this into my own wardrobe. Like the minnie mouse trend this was something that popped into my head which, when looking into the fashion archives, I realised wasn't my doing at all-it has been subconsciously planted by the fashion gods.
Kenzo for example was somebody that i went to for inspiration with their fur trim everywhere and their lengthy coats in florid detailing and bohemian prints. Yes, it's an old season and according to the fashion cliche something that is 'so last year' is strictly forbidden as fashion inspiration. However i find this ridiculous and still consult old issues of catwalk reports as though they are forgotten pages from the bible. Or i refer to my many-a-scrapbook which doesn't JUST focus on the season at hand.
I was swept away by the wonderful mixture of prints, colours, textures and fabrics that went with this trend and cannot wait to start mixing it up in my own wardrobe and trying it out for myself. Hello winter-for this i won't mind you being cold:

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