Thursday, 11 August 2011

I miss

The goth phase of 2009. The new chic, ladylike goth that was introduced to us by the likes of Giles, Rodarte and Givenchy. With Givenchy we got leather, chains, skin-tight cuts and slim bodies and with Rodarte we got cobweb knits and loose punk chic. I miss it. I don't miss the shops being full of goth rip offs and seeing chavvy girls wearing high waisted leather shorts, leather look leggings and a cobweb knit jumper. But i do miss it being really accessible and available and this is a, most likely unheard, bid for that to return please.
The chains and sharp points of dominic jones jewellery are something I've been lusting after for a while now but a reluctant mother and a dwindling amount of money of course has gotten in the way of this. So I'm going to perhaps pluck up the courage this winter to wear my new rocks again. Paired with the right things i think i can make them look more Alice Dellal than Marilyn Manson. In the mean time here's some gothspiration:

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